Art Spectrum Oil Medium #4 Liquol 1 Litre

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rt Spectrum Oil Painting Medium 4, or Liquol medium is a quick drying, transparent painting and glazing medium.

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Art Spectrum Oil Painting Medium 4, or Liquol medium is a quick drying, transparent painting and glazing medium. Art Spectrum Oil Painting Medium 4 is an alkyd medium and is extremely popular due to its versatility and fast drying properties. In most cases, paint mixed with Medium 4 will dry within 24 hours. Excellent for multiple glazes where it will give great depth and subtlety of colour.Can be painted wet on wet, or left to dry before overpainting. Mix thoroughly with oil paint on the palette before applying.Art Spectrum Oil Painting Medium is also available in No. 1, No. 2 & No. 3.
More Information
Use With Oil
Application Oil Painting
Size 1 Litre
Medium Type Solvent
Product Type Bottle
Custom Product Name Art Spectrum Oil Medium #4 Liquol
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