Sculpture Block Moss Stones

18 August 2018

Decorate your desk, kitchen or coffee table with these moss stones. Experiment with different shaped stones or even a dinosaur!

Click here for a PDF version of this project. 

  • Sculpture Block
  • Grass Small Bag
  • Lino Carving Tools
  • Flexisand Sanding Sponge
  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Saw
  • Acrylic Paint (colours of your choice)
  • Paint brush
  • Damp paper towel

How to do it

  1. Use pencil and paper to sketch out your desired stone shapes
  2. Cut the Sculpture Block with a saw to roughly the same size as your sketch
  3. Use the carving tools to refine the shape and round out the edges
  4. Dig out a hole in the middle of your stone for your moss/grass
  5. Once you are happy with your shape, sand the edges down to smooth
  6. Take a damp paper towel to clean off any sculpture block dust
  7. Paint the sculpture blocks with the colour(s) of your choice and let dry
  8. Once dry, brush the hole in the middle of your stone with glue and stick the moss down