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Avenir Sewing Key Chain Llama Kit is a simple easy to follow sewing project achievable by even a novice. All components included. Suitable for 8 years and over.
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This item contains hazardous materials and is subject to special shipping considerations. If your order contains hazardous goods, it will be eligible for Bulky/Hazardous shipping option only. To find out more, please click here.
Avenir Sewing Llama Key Chain Kit is an engaging hands-on activity for little hands. This simple DIY sewing project contains all you need to create a colourful and cute Llama.
Suitable for a novice to the more experienced crafter, just follow the clear instructions provided. No additional matierals are required as the kit contains pre-cut fabric pieces, a plastic needle and accessories.
Avenir Sewing Kits are a great way to practise stitching with the added bonus of enhancing fine motor skills. Ideal for rainy days, party gifts, stocking fillers or even a hands on activity to complete with your child. Suitable for ages 8 years and older.