Jacquard Body Art Mehndi Henna Art Kit

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Jacquard Body Art Mehndi Henna Art Kit contains a henna powder (a natural colorant) and liquid solution that when mixed creates a paste you can apply onto skin resulting in a temporary tattoo.

Jacquard Body Art Mehndi Henna Art Kit contains a henna powder (a natural colorant) and liquid solution that when mixed creates a paste you can apply onto skin resulting in a temporary tattoo. The Mehndi Henna Tradition (body painting using henna) has been practised for over 5,000 years in India and around the world to create intricate designs on hands and feet. Jacquard Body Art Mehndi Henna Art Kit is an ideal introduction to decorative body painting with the added benefits of being safe, painless and a non-permanent alternative to traditional tattooing. The henna mixture in the kit can be applied to any part of the body from hands, feet, ankles, arms, shoulder.

To begin, pour water into the henna powder bottle up to the fill line, use a wooden mixing stick to combine. Pour eucalyptus oil into the henna mixture, stir for 5 mins to ensure it is thoroughly mixed. Set aside mixture for 45 minutes to activate and thicken. Stir again then place the plastic applicator tip on the bottle top. It is now ready to apply onto skin.

To test consistency, gently squeeze the bottle to apply a small amount of henna onto a piece of paper towel. If the henna is too thick add a few drops of water to the mixture, stir and retest. If henna mixture is too thin a small amount of sugar can be added. Should the applicator tip clog, use a straight pin to remove the build-up.

Prior to applying the henna mixture, skin should be thoroughly washed to remove any oils. Gently squeeze the bottle with a consistent pressure to achieve clean lines or details. You may want to draw out your design first on paper to get a clear idea of how your design will look on your skin. When you are ready, apply the mixture from top to bottom to avoid smudging. Toothpicks and cotton swabs can be used to clean up mistakes or refine your design. The henna will dry on your skin in around 10-15 minutes.

Fill the citrus/sugar solution bottle with water and shake gently until it is dissolved. Take a cotton ball and soak it with the mixture. Dab the mixture onto the decorated skin to set the henna. This process will also provide long lasting results. Stop applying the citrus/sugar solution once the henna has a black glazy appearance. Avoiding washing skin for 12-15 hours to result in a dark result. Wrapping the decorated areas in paper towels or bandages will minimise staining bedding or clothing whilst setting. Once cured remove the dried henna mixture with a cotton ball and vegetable oil. The resulting henna stain will last on skin for around 7-12 days and depending on skin type can be an orange to burgundy in colour.
Henna mixture should be used within 24 hours of mixing.

Wear gloves to protect your hands from stains. It is recommended to do a small patch test to ensure no skin sensitivity occurs.


  • Henna powder
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Citrus/sugar solution
  • Applicator bottle
  • Straight pin
  • Wooden mixing stick
  • Cotton balls
  • Cotton swabs
  • Toothpicks
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