Jacquard Procion Mx Dye Soda Ash Dye Fixer 1lb/0.45kg

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Jacquard Procion Mx Dye Soda Ash Dye Fixer is used as a fixative to activate and set Jacquard Procion MX dyes. Without the soda ash solution colours will run and not stick to the fabric.

Jacquard Procion Mx Dye Soda Ash Dye Fixer is used as a fixative to activate and set Jacquard Procion MX dyes. Without the soda ash solution colours will run and not stick to the fabric.

First pre-wash the fabric to remove any dirt, grease or sizing. Fabric should then be soaked in Jacquard Procion Mx Dye Soda Ash Dye Fixer solution prior to any dyeing for at least 20 minutes. To make up the solution, use 1 cup (0.23kg) of Jacquard Procion Mx Dye Soda Ash Dye Fixer to 1 gallon (3.79L) of water. Wring out the fabric by hand (wear gloves). You are then ready to dye your fabric.

For immersion dyeing techniques, dye, fixer and salt are added together at different stages of the process. The proportions of ingredients also vary depending on shade of colour required.

For instructions click here.

When using Jacquard Procion Mx Dye Soda Ash Dye Fixer wear gloves.

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Size 1lb/0.45kg
Custom Product Name Jacquard Procion Mx Dye Soda Ash Dye Fixer
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