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Don’t miss a beat, with STAEDTLER Mars matic Technical Pen Nib. Architects, cartographers, artists, and draftsmen know that precision is of utmost importance when it comes to creating stunning works of art.
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This item contains hazardous materials and is subject to special shipping considerations. If your order contains hazardous goods, it will be eligible for Bulky/Hazardous shipping option only. To find out more, please click here.
Don’t miss a beat, with STAEDTLER Mars matic Technical Pen Nib. Architects, cartographers, artists, and draftsmen know that precision is of utmost importance when it comes to creating stunning works of art. That’s why the STAEDTLER Mars matic makes for a perfect companion for drawing projects. Specifically designed for use on draft paper and tracing paper, this replacement pen nib allows you to create beautiful lines with a consistent width.
You’ll never have to worry about uneven strokes nor accidental ink spills as you take on various design tasks. Invest in a dependable partner and add more finesse to your artwork with the STAEDTLER Mars matic Technical Pen Nib today.
Replacement nib for STAEDTLER Mars Matic Technical Pens.