Winsor & Newton Galeria Short Handle Round Brush #1

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Use Winsor & Newton Galeria Short Handle Round Brush when fine detail, lines and washes are desired. Designed to use with thinner paint or medium consistency. Short handle with a round brush and round tip.

Use Winsor & Newton Galeria Short Handle Round Brush when fine detail, lines and washes are desired. Designed to use with thinner paint or medium consistency. Short handle with a round brush and round tip.

The Winsor & Newton Galeria range of brushes is the perfect choice of brush as it is suited for all paints. Made from synthetic filaments. Best suited for acrylic, Galeria is used for full bodied paint as it is strong and resilient with an excellent spring. It is stiffer than sable and softer than hog brushes, ideal for different techniques and styles of painting.

To clean brushes, wipe clean and rinse under running water. Using mild soap and cool water, swirl the soapy brush in the palm of your hand and rinse. Repeat the process until water runs clear. Remove excess water, gently reshape bristles and leave to dry.

For a thorough clean, soak brush overnight in brush cleaner, which will remove any dried acrylic colour.

More Information
Use With Acrylic
Application Painting
Range Galeria
Size 1
Pack Size Individual
Brush Shape Round
Brush Hair Synthetic
Product Type Brush
Custom Product Name Winsor & Newton Galeria Short Handle Round Brushes
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